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U.S. Military Force Structure 2021

U.S. Military Force Structure 2021: A New Age of Recruiting and Supporting Service Members

The Morgan Stanley Veterans Employee Network is pleased to invite New York Council members to a discussion with the Center for a New American Security (CNAS) on Wednesday, June 2 at noon, Eastern time.

Katherine L. Kuzminski, Senior Fellow and Director of the Military, Veterans, and Society Program at CNAS, will discuss new efforts to recruit and support service members in a conversation with Joe Purcell, Vice Chairman, Financial Sponsors Group,  Investment Banking, advisory board member of CNAS and co-chair of the Veterans Employee Network.

Ms. Kuzminski’s research specializations include Department of Defense institutional and organizational design and management; military recruitment, retention, and talent management policy; veteran and military family issues; and civil-military relations. She will discuss some of her recent areas of focus including: 

  • Current demographic trends in the United States and their implications for military recruitment

  • Current Department of Defense efforts to ensure that the military services are representative of broader society

  • Trends in the return of veterans back into their local communities and the private sectors

  • Accessing, maintaining, and managing the talent needed to fight the nation’s future conflicts.

Click here to register; log-in information will come from Morgan Stanley.