Strong sea services are the driving force
of a maritime nation.
our mission
The New York Council Navy League of the United States, Inc. is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) membership organization whose mission is to inform the American people and their government that the United States of America is a maritime nation and its national defense and economic well-being are dependent upon strong sea services – United States Navy, United States Marine Corps, United States Coast Guard and United States-flag Merchant Marine. This purpose is accomplished through: (i) education of local and national leaders and the American public of the importance of strong sea services; (ii) support of the men and women of the sea services, including units, individual personnel from the active duty and reserve components and their families; and (iii) development of the next generation of leaders through youth programs.
We are a military support organization, rather than a veterans' organization, although we cherish and support our veterans and wounded warriors. We are a trusted civilian partner of the sea services, supporting their mission, their personnel and their families. We also believe in building a strong foundation for those services through youth programs that teach duty, honor and respect for our country.
“A good Navy is not a provocation to war. It is the surest guaranty of peace.”