Naval Shipbuilding from 1946 to Today, A Virtual Program hosted by Turnstile Tours — New York Council Navy League
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Naval Shipbuilding from 1946 to Today, A Virtual Program hosted by Turnstile Tours

World War II caused a huge realignment in US shipbuilding, creating new capacity on the Pacific and Gulf Coasts. At its height in 1966, the US Navy operated 12 shipyards that built and repaired a huge proportion of the fleet; today, it operates only four, and all ship construction is done at private yards. This virtual program will discuss the decline of the government shipbuilding, the major private shipyards working today, and the current and future challenges to the naval shipbuilding program.

This is the first in a three-part series of virtual tours, hosted by Turnstile Tours, entitled Two Centuries of Building the Navy: From Brooklyn to the Bayou. This series will look at over two hundred years of naval shipbuilding at a variety of scales, from the hyper-local of the Brooklyn Navy Yard, to the present-day landscape of America's shipbuilding industry. 

This event is open to the public and tickets are $5 per individual tour and $12 for the three-part series.

To register for this tour click here. If interested the full series, please register by clicking here. After registering, we will send you a confirmation including log-in information for the event.